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Jake's Diner - Bend Oregon

Jake's Diner

I'm ashamed to admit it but our recent trip to Jake's Diner was our first time ever. How sad is that? Well no more. Jake's will be a good reason for us to venture out East on a more regular basis. In an earlier post I wondered where you can get breakfast on the Eastside. Leave it to Keeneye, who doesn't even live in Bend anymore, to remind me of Jake's Diner. I still think of Jake's as being on South 97.

So we went to Jake's Diner and are currently kicking ourselves for not making it out there sooner. I'm sure I'm not telling you locals anything new here but damn, go get you some Jake's!!

No seriously, go....NOW!

After having the burger at McKay Cottage the other day and our waitress saying that their burgers are on par with Pilot Butte and Dandy's Drive In, I wanted to see for myself. I chickened out of getting the 1lb burger and went for the Jake's Megaburger - 1/2 lb patty with ham, bacon, a fried egg, and cheddar. OH MY YES!

Brilliant, effing brilliant! My normal process for digesting a burger is to cut the sucker in have and then have at it. So as I was just over half way through my first half, I handed it over to the wife for A BITE. NOT THE REST OF IT! I really didn't expect her to pour on the Tabasco and finish that puppy off.

There are so many items on the menu that we want to try including the infamous (which means more than famous) Elvis Cinnamon roll.

I don't know what else to say and they say 'quit while you're ahead'. So I'll assume that I am in fact, ahead, and cut this sucker off.

Go to Jake's Diner...go's good for you. Well, good for you emotionally? Maybe?

Jake's Diner
2210 NE Highway 20 (Behind the A&W and the East side Liquor Store)
Bend, OR 97701
(541) 382-0118

5:30AM to 9PM Monday through Saturday
5:30AM to 7PM on Sundays


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5What? Got something to say?

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mmmm. Jake's.

Did you see the size of the pancake on his blog?

July 24, 2007  
Blogger Jen said...

The Sherpa and I split an Elvis the other day at breakfast. By "split" I mean... I managed one bite. That sucker is seriously decadent.


July 24, 2007  
Blogger Chillable said...

My M.O. at Jake's?
Grilled cheese, fries with brown gravy, chocolate milkshake.

Then I have to repent for about a month before I can allow myself to go back...

July 24, 2007  
Blogger diner life said...

LOL....I find it very funny that Jake's location is now right behind the East Bend Liquor Store. Especially since it is one of the few restaurants in town that does not sell alcohol.

Thanks so much for the kind words. I have shared your article with all of the staff since they are the ones who are truely responsible.

It is just to bad that the Bulletin does not hire you instead of Mr. Anderson.

July 26, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just so you know, infamous means famous for being bad.

March 12, 2009  

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