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White America

My Edamame post delivered one of my all time favorite comments - "you arrogant anus." Now, my Bubble Tea post has delivered another favorite. I absolutely love logging into my eMachine and seeing all the comments and emails that I receive (all two of them). The latest and greatest is"

"i have never read such a close minded review in my life. Although you didnt like it, you could have given a more respectable review not talking about back in YOUR day, not everyone grew up in white america as you did."

How dare you not capitalize "America" you nazi!

Where exactly is "white america"? Is that on Hwy 97? Is it at the Sister's Rodeo?

OK, truth be told, I'm white. Yup, I'm a white male. So if you see some one at a restaurant and its a white male, its probably me. Go ahead and come right up to me and say hi. But what you don't know is that I was black for two years. At least I thought I was. Quite a tallent if you ask me. To be able to turn on the lingo and blend in with the crowd like a Cameleon. I found myself being the only white guy at parties all the time. I had nicknames like the White Shadow and Paul Revere (Beastie Boys reference). That really should be its own blog, stay tuned for -

How does white America relate to my hatred of Bubble Tea? If you've read any of my reviews, you'd know that I am very close minded. I am stuck in my ways and my opinion is the only one that matters. Bubble Tea sucks!

Thanks for the comment though. I laughed.


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2What? Got something to say?

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's true, BOR! When I think of Bubble Tea, my twisted little mind automatically conjures up images of minorities!!!!!

Never mind that I had never heard of the crap until I saw it in your blog!

Here's to you and the missus having an amazing VD!

February 13, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I wish I didn't care for you writing or had a biting wit (as you do), so you could complain about one of my comments. But, alas, I LOVE everything you write and usually laugh out loud here in my little office.

And by the way, Bubble Tea isn't that gross once you get past the fact that it is sorta like drinking loogies.

February 13, 2009  

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