Random Questions - Friday Fun
I was dorking out on it and blasting answers to my twitter account which then gets posted on my facebook page. It was too much so I stopped posting the answers. Then I stopped answering the questions. So I decided to post them all at once. Might be a fun read, might just be a waste of time.
Q: why don't you post a picture of yourself are you scared? Just wondering?
Yes, I am scared. I like to remain anonymous so crazy restaurant owners don't track me down and punch me in the face. The last thing I need is some crackpot that I offended to show up at my house in a rage.
I also don't want restaurant owners/chefs/wait staff to know that I am sitting in their restaurant. I usually can pull off being anonymous at least until the flash of my camera goes off. Most restaurants don't know who I am, there are a few that do. I like those places though and wouldn't you know it, they treat me very well! Shocking.
Q: Why is there no category for the best dive in Bend? You have great taste in food, but I want to hear about some 'hole in the wall' joints. Thanks!
Do we have any "dives" in Bend? When I hear "dive" I think "dive bar" and then I think D&D. So there you go, D&D wins.
Q: Is Balay hiring? And how old do you have to be to work there?
Who the hell do you think I am? Why would you ask me? (541) 323-6418 - Give 'em a call champ.
Q: are the mushroomms really dug up locally uder the juiper tree by summit high
I think you've had too many shrooms already. What the hell are you talking about?!
Q: how much is the meatball sub at trattoria sbandati?
Oh man, that sub is soooo good! I believe I paid $9 for it. You can see the photo and a small write up of the meatball sub here - Trattoria Sbandati.
Q: how do you die
In a freakish deep fat fryer accident. But then I don't really die. I get fat fryer super powers. Everything I touch with my right hand turns into fried fish and everything I touch with my left turns into chips.
Q: Rivals Sports bar on Division any good for bar food?
Somehow I won a $25 gift card via twitter to eat at Rivals. I didn't even know I had entered to win. So that same day I convince a couple friends to join me there for lunch. I ordered the potato skins for the table and then some fish and chips for lunch. The skins were tiny and dried out. The fish was NASTY. It was definitely the already prepped frozen kind. The fish inside the breading was a mushy mess. Gross.
Other than those items, I don't know since I haven't been back. I didn't enjoy my experience and I'd advise against the fish and chips.
Q: just ate at versante and you were right it was awesome food and good service great crust
Thats odd because I've never meantioned Versante in my blog. I think you have me confused with someone else. However, I did just eat there recently for lunch. A friend and I were driving down 3rd and I remembered that their menu says that they have slices for lunch. They don't.

Q: Did I miss something? Old comments about breakfast, biscuits and gravy? Why no mention of Sargents Cafe? They have been serving old school breakfast to Bend for generations. Biscuits & gravy, chicken fried steak, ham & eggs, ooh, I need to go get some.
On the one time that I visited Sargents Cafe, I didn't have the biscuits and gravy. I did order a side of gravy to dip my french fries in. MMMMmmmm so good.
Q: The Pup Hut's been on 9th & Wilson for 10 yrs...ever review it? Hot Pastrami, Kraut & Swiss, Chili, Bacon/Cheddar dogs? All beef, polish & veal dogs? Summer features the 1/2 lb dog!! Huge Bakers coming in a couople of weeks!!! Need to check it out!
THIS is where I heard about The Pup Hut! Oh man I was just on twitter and facebook asking about a hot dog place that is not Chicago Style Hot Dogs or the cart by the breezeway downtown. I knew someone told me about some place that had been around for 10 yrs. Well the review is coming soon. The one hot dog I've had so far, the chili and cheddar, was awesome. I'll be going out of my way again to get another dog soon.
Thanks for the heads up.
Q: I know you're a Bend guy. But, could you make a trip to Redmond and try BrickHouse, Diego's, One Street Down, Cross Creek (2.50 pints!) and Green Plow coffee? BTW, the only veggie on a pizza should be the tomato sauce...and maybe an onion.
That's not going to happen. I am a Bend guy. I barely want to drive to the east side of Bend let alone to Redmond. The only time I go to Redmond is to get on a plane. In fact, the last time I went to Redmond was 4 or 5 years ago to watch some Mixed Martial Arts fights and then went to the Fan after. I've only been to 5 strip clubs in my life, the Fan was teh worst.
Q: i love your food! keep up the good work.
Q: Have you ever had a unique dish at a restaurant and attempted to duplicate it at home? If so, what was the dish and was it successful?
Ribs. I make some awesome ribs.
So that's it for this issue of Friday Formspring. Feel free to ask me anything!
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Maybe you could switch between Rants and Answers on Fridays? I wish people would send you more questions that piss you off, though. Those are the most funny.
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