BOR made the Bulletin, almost
It's so easy to post about a news worthy event and get the word out before the traditional press can get it to print. I'm always trying to post about a restaurant before Jon does. There is only one publicist that sends me any news on restaurants so sometimes I'm finding out about a new place thanks to the CO Bloggers. So it was good to hear that Peter was interesting in writing an article on the CO Bloggers.
I enjoyed speaking with Peter briefly at the Blogger Meeting and we exchanged a few emails afterward to set up an interview but I withdrew when his editor would not allow me to be quoted as BOR or the Bend Oregon Restaurants Blogger. They had to have my real name to use in the article so I decided against it.
I really enjoyed the article and was mentioned by my boy Keith over at the Speedshop Deli. I like chatting with Keith every time I go in. I like to get updates on the nuke pickles and now he even has Nuke Peppercini's and looking to add more NUKE items to the deli. I was just visiting the Speedshop the other day and got the Red Line. Genoa Salami and Swiss Cheese. Keith sliced the salami paper thin and stacked it up high. It was hella good. But I wussed out and went to 2nd gear. Don't tease me bro, don't tease me.
The article is going up on the wall but I'll just put a burger over Jake's face and pretend that it's me.

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Damn, that's one sexy dude!
Props to Keith's mention in the article for sure. The Speedshop deserves all the media attention it gets as it's truly the only option for a real east coast style hogie in Central Oregon.
BUT the quote that BOR forgot to mention was the writer's description of BOR himself:
"The blogger [BOR], a tall and stocky man, takes pains to remain anonymous, taking up the pseudonym “Boris” given to him after the recent blogger gathering."
Wow..."stocky" as an adjective for body type brings back memories of walking through Montgomery Ward's with mom and dad and wondering why all the fat kids have to shop at the "Husky" racks!
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