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Dishcraft Catering - Hans Restaurant's New Venture

dishcraft catering

While reading Roundabout Bend's spamtastic blog I was confused by the posting about Han's Restaurant. Then I read Hack Bend's post about the inaccuracies on the post. So I figured that I should add in my two bits about the link from Spamabout Bend's post to Han's Restaurant (which is a dead link).

Using my wonderful world wide interweb 3.0 skillz I was able to find the real Han's Restaurant website in hopes to see a new location or plans to reopen and found discraft catering instead. The website appears to be more of a place holder as none of the internal links are working yet. But there is a little diddy on dishcraft catering:

"What is dishcraft catering?
A full service catering company in Bend Oregon; bring well crafted food and good company together for your next event. Offering corporate, drop off, wedding, special event and cocktail party catering. Dishcraft utilizes the freshest and highest quality ingredients while working with you to match both your culinary and budget needs."

Good luck to Heidi and her new venture.

dishcraft catering

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1What? Got something to say?

Blogger Brent said...

nice digging that one up!

Wonder if my wife would let me get catering to our house for dinner.

January 10, 2008  

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