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Italian Cooking School - Day 2

Over the last couple of weeks I have been attending Dr. Juri Sbandati's Italian Cooking School and I posted Day 1's review a couple weeks ago. Well I never got around to writing about Day 2 so here we go.

On Day 2 Juri taught us how to make Pollo alla Cacciatora (chicken cacciatore), Risotto ai Funghi Porcini (Mushroom Risotto), and Stock.

First we started with the Cacciatora since it needed to bake in the oven for about an hour. Juri showed us how to break down a whole chicken. It was quite easy the way he showed us and I'm totally confident in being able to do this again and again as needed. We toss the chicken in flour and browned the chicken while cutting up some celery, onion, and carrots.

Once we got all the ingredients together and into the oven, we began our Risotto. I was really excited about making Risotto even though it was mushroom (not my favorite). I've never made risotto before and I always see it on Hell's Kitchen or the F Word with Gordon Ramsey.

Juri keeps us at our burners to make sure nothing burns. We sauteed the mushrooms, garlic, and parsley. Add white wine and reduce. Then we set aside and start on the rice.

Juri shows us the proper techniques of tossing the rice trying not to stir too much in order to keep the rice unbroken. All the while we slowly add in just enough broth to keep it wet but not drenched.

We drank more wine and ate our Risotto ai Funghi Porcini. Sooo good but I needed more salt this time. After week one, I was scared to use too much salt again. More wine, then I tell my mushroom joke that a friend told me a while ago.

A mushroom walks into a bar and the bartender yells "Hey, we don't serve your kind here." The mushroom responds (in an Italian accent for whatever reason) "Heeey, I'm a Funghi!"

By now the Cacciatora is ready and we dish up.

Oh mamma! The chicken is fork tender and the meal eats like a hearty stew. Juri's trying to explain how to make the beef stock but I don't pay too much attention as I can't stop eating my Cacciatora.

Left overs a plenty and the Wife is waiting impatiently for me to bring them home. She loves mushrooms! We warmed up the rest of the risotto and cacciatora the next night and grubbed.

Sbandati Personal Chef Services
1466 Ne Revere Ave
Bend, OR 97701
(541) 610-6278

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1What? Got something to say?

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great post! Everything looks really good especially the Cacciatora. It is making my mouth water just looking at it!

February 17, 2009  

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