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Donate your canned food for Hungry All Year Long

Hungry All Year Long Food Drive

While I was checking out the NeighborImpact (Formally COCAAN) site I stumbled upon the Hungry All Year Long food drive that Summit 1031 Exchange is conducting. I am a fan of NeighborImpact and will gladly donate some food to one of the many drop box locations soon.

Back in the day and much tougher times, we'd donate the items stuffed wayyyy back in the cupboard that was covered in dust like the can of three bean salad or the cream of unknown or the can that wasn't even labeled. It's all we could afford to part with. So I contacted Laura at Summit 1031 Exchange to ask what sort of food is the best to donate.

"The best food items to donate are high protein foods like, Oatmeal, Peanut Butter, Hearty Stews etc. Food that, if this is the only meal a person will get that day, it will stick to their ribs." Laura informed me.

Makes sense to me! I am sure they will still accept that dusty can of cranberries from Thanksgiving but if you CAN, please join in and drop by one of the many drop box locations that are listed on the Summit site below and give em what you CAN. HA! Get it? a can of something that's gold. Its as good as the Jump to Conclusions mat.
"During the month of June, Summit is teaming up with Neighbor Impact to hold a food-drive called, "Hungry All Year Long." We are very excited about this opportunity to give back to the community.

Neighbor Impact receives approximately 40,000 pounds of food donations during the holiday season while during the summer months, donations drop to about 7,000 pounds. Furthermore, when school is in session, hungry children receive meal assistance through the schools. However, during the summertime, these kids need an alternative source for meal assistance. Neighbor Impact is that source."

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