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Bubble Tea

Bubble Tea

Bubble Tea ... sigh. Another fad that I can not endorse, but the wife loves it.

"I took the large straw out of its sheath and plunged it into my blueberry and lavender bubble tea breaking through the thin plastic wrap lid. Placing the straw to my lips I sucked the large Pearl Tapioca balls into my mouth. The squishy balls rolling around in my mouth was an awkward sensation at first but then as my tongue worked them over, the feeling began to grow on me."

That snippet was taken from my new book on Bend Oregon Restaurants. Its a romantic story of one guys journey from Milan to Minsk that will be on the shelves in the check out line next to the books with the hunky Fabio looking dude on the cover. Reserve your copies today at Amazon.

Bubble Tea is one of the stupidest things you can buy and drink/eat that I have ever heard of. Almost as stupid at edamame. I mean I experimented a little back in college but now that I'm a grown man, I'm done with squishy balls of tapioca in my mouth. That stuff has the consistency of pre-chew bubble gum. I did not like it.

Bubble Tea, Pearl Tea, Boba Tea, whatever. Silly I tells ya. You kids these days with your Bubbles in the Teas. You have green, black, white teas, you have loose leaf, bags, hot, iced and so on. In my day, we had one kind of tea...TEA. It was hot and you drank it. Helped fight off scurvy. You said "I'll have some tea please" and they brought you some hot water with a tea bag. You didn't know what it was, you didn't want to know what it was.

I guess you can say that I'm not a fan. I don't really care for iced tea unless it has a few shots of Maker's Mark in it. Seriously, during the Summer there is nothing better than a pint glass filled with ice, then mix half and half of Lipton's Sweetened Iced Tea and Maker's Mark bourbon. I call it the Mark Lipton. Sooooo good!!

If you don't care what I think and still want some Bubble Tea in Bend Oregon you have two options. Townshends by Great Harvest or Balay by Pine Tavern.

bubble tea - townshends bend oregon

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Which one does your wife say is better then?

April 18, 2008  
Blogger Elise Michaels Media said...

tsk tsk tsk... Those are two words I never thought I'd see on BOR's blog: bubble and tea. Now, if it was Bubble Beer or Beer Tea, I wouldn't be surprised. Are you getting in touch with your feminine side, BOR?

April 19, 2008  
Blogger Jodi said...

Bubble tea is soooo yummy! hehe. If you are ever in Bellevue, WA you need to go to Koot Green Tea in Lincoln Square and try the Kuromitsu Pearl Latte: Iced Matcha, Japanese molasses, milk, and our special "black pearl" tapioca. SOOOO GOOD. It will change your mind.

April 19, 2008  
Blogger deadgopher said...

Bubble tea isn't that bad, I don't know why you hate it so... it's not exactly the greatest beverage ever, either. That award goes to the good ol' Brain Eraser.

Though it irks me to no end when I see thirty little punkass kids in Townshend's when I go in to get a couple ounces of tasty roasted mate chai. "No, Billy," says the mom, "You can't have any coffee. Go drink some tea instead."

Because, you know, tea has SO MUCH LESS caffeine in it.

April 20, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally agree - who wants chewy balls in their beverages? yuk....

April 25, 2008  

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