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Toomies Thai Restaurant, Bend Oregon

Toomies, Bend Oregon

I've posted about Toomies and about Thai Restaurants in Bend before but I wanted to give Toomies another post for their customer service. EVERYONE I talk to knows that you don't get the best service at Toomies. They aren't as rude as some in recent news but they definitely aren't the fastest. Sometimes it would take forever to even place your order let alone get a refill on your water.

On Monday I went to Toomies and was waited on by Chris. I'll never forget his name since he introduced himself to us as he took our order and did the same for the tables around us. I'll also never forget Jeremy, the jacknut who sat next to us and thought he was so cool he had to use the line "Chris, well I'm Jeremy, are we going to be friends".

Way to make it weird for all of us JDog.

Chris was awesome. Came by the table to check in on us, let us know the status of our appetizer, asked if there was anything else, refilled the drinks, and all in all in a good mood and had a friendly smile. No, I'm not smitten or anything. The guy was a great waiter which until that day, was something I had not experienced at Toomies ever.

Here's a couple photos of the Spring rolls which are just amazing and always have been at Toomies, and the Chicken Red Curry which is always good as well...Photos are just for you Monkey (FYI, I got my other camera working so soon there will not be anymore of these cell phone photos).

Toomies Thai Restaurant
119 NW Minnesota
Bend, OR 97701

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3What? Got something to say?

Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about this? You buy the food, I'll take the pictures? ;)

April 27, 2007  
Blogger Bend Oregon Restaurants said...

Deal, as long as I still get to eat the meal.

I can't claim to be a photographer by any means, I just like to eat. You're photos are awesome, I have spent quite a bit of time browsing your site since I came across it last year.

April 27, 2007  
Blogger The Real Mother Hen said...

Wow you must be popular among the restaurants here... btw, do you want curry recipe or some curry paste? I have plenty and don't mind to share, so you can cook at home...

April 27, 2007  

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